There is a new porn site out that features nothing but exclusive uncut models who are shot by the award winning photographer of such sites as MiamiBoyz only this time he is concentrating on shooting still photos instead of video. We asked him about this new site:
Q. What was your motivation to create this new site now?
“I thought that the time was right. We live in a world with video everywhere and with that it has become cheap. Quality has dropped and I am frankly bored of it. I always enjoyed porn magazines. I would lay in bed and memorize each photo of the model. Half of the experience was mental and using your imagination…today we have lost that and I am trying to bring it back. Well, at least with my work that is.”
Q. So you feel that video has become overrated since it is everywhere?
“Yes, that is correct. When something can be found everywhere it no longer is special. Same with porn videos. The few times that I watch them I find myself fast forwarding through them and really not enjoying them at all. I would much rather have some hot photos that I can look at and savor…enjoy with my eyes while I pleasure myself. Remember that half of sex is in the mind and not between the legs!”
Q. So your site is called Uncut Boyz and I think it is a very straightforward name.
“Yes, if I am going back to basics I wanted a simple domain name that was right to the point. Too many sites try to fool the surfer with names that have nothing to do with the actual site.”
Q. When is the site going live? When is it launching?
“It is going live May 1 so it is online right now. I am offering a special rate because at the moment it is not complete but there is still a TON of content on it so check it out right now and save a couple of bucks!”